My work is socially oriented, focused on highlighting flaws in the Peruvian society. Questioning and confrontation are the tools that enable me to build this process. Through different media, such as audio, installations, urban interventions, I attempt to create a dialogue with the spectator.


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Since 200 years Site specific
Central Market of Trujillo, Peru

Since 200 years is a site specific work, on the roof of the Central Market of Trujillo, Peru, in the frame of National Festival of Visual Arts of Trujillo. This was the first city in Peru where it proclaimed the independence.

This phrase by José Bernardo de Tagle in December 29, 1820 “I put our destiny and that of
the people under the protection of the heaven Long live the country, Long live independence”

was written on the floor by wiping the dust out of it and then reflected on a huge mirror hanging from the structure of the market. This phrase is relevant nowadays because the Peruvian political institutions are so weak until now that we have to invoke divine protection.

In collaboration with Gianine Tabja

Gabriela Flores del Pozo